EASY-SYSTEM-Builder & EASY-DATA-Center & Visual Studio Help


  • target of the new Groupware Solutions is set Maximal processes to this automatic solutions.
  • Result Will Be: Create Table and Set API Template - its Done for DATABASE and Backend API
  • Create Form from Templates In FrontEnd for the New Table - Its Done for New System Form (Agenda)
  • Share With World : World will share Agendas with you also
  • Agenda is Only 3 files: SQL(Table), API, FORM
  • Ideal Copy Class from generated By Scaffold to final Form
  • Its Absolute Perfect Solution For EASY Create Robust System in Few Months
  • All Systems Supported: Machines Control, IS Systems, Terminals, and All Sub Systems

Visual Studio Automatic MD File From XML Comments

  • Install 'Vsxmd' Library
  • add this code to 'PropertyGroup'

Visual Studio Automatic Code Cleaning

  • Install 'codemaid' Tool

Visual Studio Automatic DataBase Schema Snapshot

  • Install 'EntityFrameworkCoreScaffolding' Tool
  • Use Example file 'scaffoldingsettings.json' for OneClick Snapshot

GitHub Automatic MDBook

  • Enable 'MDBook' tool For Code
Use File: book.toml

GitHub/GitLab Automatic Publish to GCloud Docker

  • Enable Build
Use File: Dockerfile

GitHub/GitLab Automatic Publish to GCloud Docker

  • Enable Build
Use File: gitlab-ci.yml

Linux Create Backend System Service for Automatic Control

  • Read OS support
Use File: Linux-dotnet-MyProject-service.service

Windows Install application.exe as System Service for Automatic Control

  • Read OS support
Use File: install.bat

Visual Studio Automatic Generate windows Help File chm

  • Install 'GhostDoc' tool
  • Run on Project for Generate Full Code COmment and Structure Help file


  • Use files from MSSQL_DB
  • Can run from System Scheduler
  • Can Run from SQL command

Backend WebPages Automatic Controller from Pages Structure

  • Enable Razor WebPages Engine
  • Create new file 'cshtml' in folder ServerCorePages
  • Page is automatic included to Controller !must we different than API URLS

MarkDown Item Template